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Location:- almost certainly at the entrance to the King's Head Brewery
at the corner of Albion Street with Market Street.

Chapman's map of 1787

Brewery or Owner:-unknown

There have been newspaper records of this inn, but Chapman's maps of the C18 have the Cock in the NW corner of the Rookery. Unfortunately the maps are not detailed enough to be absolutely sure which building is being referred to. It does seem from the 1787 map that it was what was to become the King's Head Brewery and the John Barleycorn Inn. Bearing in mind the unreliability of the directories, and that Pigot 1839 has David Coe there, where as Robson has him at the Sir John Barleycorn, this may well solve the puzzle. Murfitt (Murfett) also appears at Sir John Barleycorn in 1855. It is necessary to consult these directories again. None of the names below have been found in the 1841 census and the census for 1851 was destroyed.

Year Licensee Owner source
1787 Chapman map
1823 Pigot
1839 David Coe Pigot
1844 David Coe White
1855 Henry Murfitt White

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